Why are some anniversaries so easy to forget and some seem to cling to us. Some are special and filled with so much meaning, some bring pain, some remind us of what we have lost or what we have gained; and every year they deliver their dose of remembering. It is just one date on the calendar and yet life seems to culminate to that ONE big day lurking right around the corner.
A year ago today is the day I woke up in a pool of blood. A year ago today my medical problems started.
A year ago today is the day that my perfect, sweet baby Wyatt came into this world.
Happy Birthday Wyatt.
Your journey into this world was not an easy one. We almost lost you. And my body took a beating for it. But never for one second did I ever, ever, ever not feel complete gratitude that you made it here to me. You see, you made every painful tear, every surgery, every infection, every ER trip worth it.
Having you to hold in my arms gave me the strength to fight through the hurt. You gave me such a gift Wyatt. Having you made everything okay. It made it so easy to forgive the medical mistakes, to fight through the painful nights, to laugh when I wanted to cry, to fight when I wanted to give up, to move forward when it was all said and done.
But Anniversaries are a funny thing.
It seems only fitting that you came into this world fighting for your life, and I've spent the past year fighting to get mine back.
And here we both are, on your birthday, with terrible, terrible colds. Coughing, sneezing, and wiping our noses, with Pink Eye to boot. But we are sharing it together and I love you even more because of it.
It is me and you kid.
You are my miracle.
You are my sweet baby boy.
I love you to the moon and back, over and over, again and again, you shine in so many ways and my heart has been stretched to capacity because of you.
Happy Birthday Wyatt.
Love, Mama
Erin, I love you!! You inspire me and my heart grows each time I read your posts!
What a blessing to be able to look back at the last year and have something positive to say for it all. May the next year be full of more joyful moments. -diedre gray
This makes me want to cry! You are amazing!
I have tears in my eyes... Beautiful.
You two are an inspiration.
Happy Birthday, Wyatt!!
happy birthday wyatt!!!
Sweet, sweet, baby boy! Nothing is sweeter than babies. I'm glad both you and he made it through safely and ultimately healthy. (I, too, had serious medical problems and complications with my fourth baby--but it really IS so worth it)
Happy Birthday Wyatt, oh what stories you will have to tell someday and what a wonderful mommy God blessed you with!
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