April 4, 2008

General Conference Activities To Entertain Your Kids!

Okay, So how cool is this? I found a website that would help me put documents on my blog.

Check out these cute idea's that were emailed to me from my cousin. I thought that all of you would be able to use these fun idea's to entertain your kids.

So Enjoy a great Conference weekend! I know that I need it!

Read this doc on Scribd: April 2008 Conference Packet[1]


everything pink! said...

oh my awesome thanks!

Brian and Emily said...

This is awesome Erin, thanks for the post! It is similar to what Dana Brown gave the primary kids on Sunday...I guess they get a treat if they bring the tie page back next Sunday!

heather said...

thanks, this is pretty cool.

Chelsea Anne said...

Hey, I wanted to send you an invite to my blog, but I need your email. Email me at chelseahoopes@mac.com. And yes, I do know who you are. I am excited to keep in touch.